Thursday, December 18, 2008

Do people simply tend to adopt the religion they grew up with?

Various comments on reddit:

I think its just an amazing coincidence that Christian babies are born into Christian families, Muslim babies are born into Muslim families and Hindu babies are born into Hindu families...
What are the odds?

Correct! The coincidence is indeed amazing.
We should totally expect Christian parents to have kids who commonly and spontaneously grow into Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims... based on world statistics. This would make complete sense.
I like how you think. :)

i've got news for you: they simply tend to
adopt the morals they grew up with
adopt the political preference they grew up with
adopt the nationality they grew up with

Of course they do. This is one of my biggest arguments again religion. My in-laws are fundamentalist Baptists because their parents were and so were all the family, friends, and neighbors. Since these are not people who question authority, how could they be anything except fundamentalist Baptist? If, instead they were born and raised in Salt Lake City to Mormons, they would be Mormon. If they were raised by goat herders in Afghanistan, they would be Muslim. But try and explain this to them, and it goes right over their heads. They still believe that Christianity is the "only way" and all non-believers are going to hell.
So how does it happen that my in-laws are so special that God chose them to be born to the right families so that without any effort on their part they are saved? There is no need for thinking, no need for research, no need to work at being saved. Just get born into the right family, and-- presto! you know all the right answers to get into heaven.
Right, this statistical dependency between religion of parents and children proves that the christian God is very unjust because different people have very different starting positions on the path to the "true faith".

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