Monday, May 19, 2008


The pious exclusivity of those with strong religious beliefs is frustrating to me and dangerous to the world. How is it possible that someone can be so certain of something so completely unprovable? Not to mention that there is always someone else who is equally certain in a belief that is 100% opposite! (and they can't prove their claim either)

Actually, I've also become quite concerned about moderate religious beliefs and the associated flow of money from churches that deny humanitarian needs such as family planning education, condoms, and stem cell research.

With this blog, I will provide references to articles, books, photos, and other evidence that has been chipping away at my belief in God for nearly a year now. In fact, I dare you to read the first five books of the Old Testament -- and come away from that experience believing that the God of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims is real.

I double dare you.