Monday, August 25, 2008

The Swedish government is making it illegal for schools to teach religious doctrine as if it were true.

The Swedish government has announced plans to clamp down hard on religious education. It will soon become illegal even for private faith schools to teach religious doctrines as if they were true. In an interesting twist on the American experience, prayer will remain legal in schools - after all, it has no truth value. But everything that takes place on the curriculum's time will have to be secular. "Pupils must be protected from every sort of fundamentalism," said the minister for schools, Jan Björklund.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ah, a world without religion

Without religion, people wouldn't pray for peace, they would work towards it.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"The Bible's Buried Secrets" New PBS Documentary

If a person already believes that a magical flying zombie born from a virgin is the son of a powerful sky genie who grants wishes to people if they talk to themselves while their hands are clasped and their eyes are closed, then I have serious doubts any documentary is going to shake their faith.


Documentary Web Site

Monday, August 4, 2008

Parents have the power to end hereditary religion

When it comes to religion, children are the unwitting victims of a geographical lottery. Where you were born closely links to what religion your parents follow. This in turn is the best predictor of what you wind up with, often for life. The name given to this phenomenon is hereditary religion, which is defined as the propagation of a religion down through the generations based on the indoctrination of credulous young children before they can resist. If religion was all they got, perhaps this would not be objectionable. Unfortunately, they also get class enmities, religious doctrinal disagreements, nationalistic disputes, tribal jealousies, and other fractious hatreds that make hereditary religion a curse on humanity.
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Just another beautiful Sunday for church....oh wait

Sunday, August 3, 2008